All The Basics copyright 2011 by Adrian Black.  
Scripture quoted from the International Children's Bible, copyright 1986, 1988, 1999 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.
All the Basics is an experimental, avant-garde, and artsy multi-media curriculum.  It combines high quality
animations, dynamic videos, exciting object lessons, and excellent print media as a way to engage,
educated, entertain, and encourage children.

Each unit of
All the Basics is made up of four main sections, with four lessons in each section.  Part one of
the first unit, "Who is Jesus?" is available now.  More coming in the future.
All the Basics: Who is Jesus?

Jesus Our Savior
Jesus is our Only Savior
Jesus Saves us from Satan
Jesus Saves us from Sin
Jesus Saves us from Death

Jesus Our King
Jesus is Our Only King
Put King Jesus First
Serve King Jesus
Respect King Jesus

Jesus Our Brother
Jesus' Real Brothers and Sisters
Our Brother Teaches Us
Our Brother Protects Us
Our World Wide Family

Jesus Our Friend
Closer Than a Brother
A True Friend Obeys
Our Friend Cares
Our Friend Talks to Us